Working groups
Transition Bachelor-Master
The working group deals with the transition of Bachelor graduates into Master programmes, especially if the transition is associated with a change of university and/or type of university. Admission requirements are at the forefront of these considerations.
Digital transformation
The working group was just recently founded and is aimed to focus on the topic of digital transformation, which is currently penetrating all areas of engineering in a hitherto unknown intensity. The aim is to identify the challenges for the conception of study courses in Engineering and Manegement and to actively shape the change through the conception of suitable study concepts.
The aim of the Working Group Internationalisation is to establish an international network of Engineering and Management. The aim is to strengthen cooperation with universities in Europe and around the world and, in particular, to promote the international exchange of information and experience.
Qualifications Framework
The aim of the Quality Seal or Qualifications Framework Working Group is to develop a guideline and quality assurance instrument. On the basis of these, the systematic design of study programmes, modules and study contents of industrial engineering courses of study is supported and simplified – among other things on the basis of learning outcomes.
Prof. Uwe Dittmann
Tiefenbronner Str. 66
75175 Pforzheim
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©Wirtschaftsingenierwesen 2025